Spec Lab Records debuted with its first full album release: Jamboree on May 17th, 2015.
Currently, Spec Lab Records has released & distributed
136 songs to date, from 22 talented artists on major music platforms
such as Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Youtube and more!
Spec Lab Records is currently operating out of a new studio location in North Hollywood. Finally, we are beginning to schedule in studio sessions the week of April 26th again for the 1st time in over a year before the pandemic started. Between Spec Lab's Recording Workshop & Mentorship Programs: 12 artists are actively recording music with 15 projects in production.
Throughout the last year, in quarantine, our artists continued to stay in production; with many learning to record their art remotely in the process. We’ve definitely been keeping busy…. Currently, since quarantine began, we’ve been able to release 22 songs from 13 gifted artists!
Here are a few brief interviews with a couple of our current Spec Lab Records musical artists:
Question 1: What was the last music you’ve released with Spec Lab Records?
-The last music I released was a Shower Thoughts Remix!
Question 2: What can you say about the process of making this music? How long did it take?
Where did you record it? What inspires you/makes you passionate about music?
-When i made this song i truly felt passionate about it.
I worked with Alex K. and Garth to make this song. The original song was the first song I had ever released so I thought it would be fitting to make a remix. I really enjoy working with both Alex & Garth. They help me create my dreams and inspire me to keep creating!
Question 3: Since you’ve been with Spec Lab Records how do you think you’ve grown as an
artist and grown as a person?
-I think i have grown a lot. I think that when I work with Garth, he truly brings out the
best in me. We always laugh while we work and there is never a dull moment. Garth has definitely helped shape me into the person I am today; I truly appreciate him for it.
+ See Ann Postlewaite on the Spec Lab Artist page & Music Video, click on the image, below:
Question 1: What was the last music you’ve released with Spec Lab Records?
-“The last music I released with Spec Lab Records was a song called Quirky Little Girl,
with my friend Sparrow providing backing vocals. I'm currently in the process of releasing four more songs (and hopefully more to come afterwards!)”
Question 2: What can you say about the process of making this music? How long did it take?
Where did you record it? What inspires you/makes you passionate about music?
-“It took a few months to make the song come out the way I had imagined it would since I first wrote it back in 2008 (I released it officially earlier this year and started recording it late last year). I had imagined Quirky Little Girl to sound like a power pop or jangle-pop song in my head, so when I recorded it (with Garth's amazing assistance), I tried getting the guitar to have a sound that was fresh and polished but still crunchy enough to be rock, trying in particular to emulate the sound of groups like R.E.M. and Gin Blossoms. I also pictured backing vocalists of a higher pitched range in my head in the song, which is where enlisting Sparrow's help came in handy. I recorded the song from home using GarageBand and my electric guitar.
As for what makes me passionate about music? Where to begin?! Soooo many things!
I've loved music ever since I was a little kid. It's been part of my life for such a long time that I sometimes have a bit of a hard time remembering WHY I love music as much as I do!
However, if I were to make a guess about why music matters so much to me the most, I'd say it's probably because it helps me to get in touch with my emotions. I'm a very sensitive person, so I feel like it's important for me to regulate my emotions. I also find that music is a way to escape from the troubles I have faced before in my life because it doesn't judge me, and the emotional sentiments contained within a song often echo how I feel.
Other times, it's just fun! And who doesn't love that?!”
Question 3: Since you’ve been with Spec Lab Records how do you think you’ve grown as an
artist and grown as a person?
-“Since I've been with Spec Lab Records, one way I feel I've grown as an artist is that songwriting comes to me easier than it has for me in a long time! Ideas for songs seem to come to me faster now. I've also gotten better acquainted with GarageBand thanks to working with Spec Lab Records, which has opened up a whole world full of possibilities for both my own work & in my aiding fellow Spec Lab students with some of their songs.”
+ Check out Spencer Griffin's music video by clicking on the image below:
This section is about our artists getting jobs/professional work in the entertainment industry.
Atticus Jackson fun facts:
-Atticus began to learn logic pro in 2017 & since has composed music for several Spec Lab Films:
Boys Don’t Wear Dresses, Atticus & Atticus in Virtual Reality, My Heart Confuses Me.
-Atticus was hired to compose music for:
Sesame Street, Special Olympics, Chime Academy, & Autism Live Podcast.
-Atticus has also performed and written music for many Spec Lab Record songs and has composed music for a film trailer.
Question 1: What was the last music you’ve released with Spec Lab Records?
-“An orchestral piece called Prodigal Son.”
Question 2: What can you say about the process of making this music? How long did it take?
Where did you record it? What inspires you/makes you passionate about music?
-“It was originally part of my Quarantune collection on my SoundCloud.
I would write pieces to pass the time in quarantine. I usually only spend a day or two on these tracks since they’re all digital. This one utilized over $1000 worth of software and
it’s by far the best orchestral piece I’ve ever written. My inspiration is film scores, particularly John Williams. I wanted this one to sound like it was in a movie.”
Question 3: Since you’ve been with Spec Lab Records how do you think you’ve grown as an
artist and grown as a person?
-“I’ve learned more than I thought I ever would about songwriting and
producing & music making in general. I can officially call myself a professional musician now, especially since I’ve gotten gigs outside of spec lab, and I never thought I’d get here.
As a person, I think I’ve grown to be more patient and less tense.”
+ Don't forget to check out Atticus Jackson on the Spec Lab Artist page & their SoundCloud by clicking on the screenshot below:
Also click on the image below to WATCH -- Atticus Jackson's Spec Lab Testimonial:
Happy World Autism Acceptance Month! Some Good News from Spectrum Laboratory’s autistic artists! We’re so excited to share #somegoodnews with you all! Spec Labs artists will have their artwork showcased on Sevenly! You can even get artist merch from our award winning short film Boys Don't Wear Dresses.
Watch the "Some Good News from Spec Lab Artists" video NOW
by CLICKING ON the image below!!
Sevenly even wrote a whole blog post about our stuff! Check out their awesome blog!
Go through our awesome collection curated by our very own students' artwork! Come grab a mug, a t-shirt, and much more! Spec Labs gets a donation with every purchase, which will go towards art scholarships for our wonderful and talented students! View our full collection here!
Remember to enroll in our free Mindfulness classes (Monday @ 12:00 PM & Friday @ 5:15 PM):
And don't forget about our new Mindfulness channel -- featuring Yoga, Sound Healing, Meditation & Mindfulness created for our students at Spec Labs. Be mindful & well balanced!
Click on image of the Spec Lab Community below to contact us: