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Help an artist on the spectrum break through the inclusion barrier.

Our scholarships, financial aid and facilities rely on donor support. Your donation dollars are helping us achieve inclusion for our artists on a personal level, finding friendships and community, and within the larger entertainment industry. 




You just helped an emerging artist hone their craft by contributing to the scholarship fund!

Give the tools and time needed for an artist to write and record a song, learn how to audition or write a script.

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Our Results 

We combine an art education conservatory with real-world commercial production, making us a place for neurodivergent artists to learn, collaborate, and produce their best works in filmmaking, music, voice acting, animation, and visual art. We then coach our students on how to be successful in the entertainment industry! 

  • Many Spectrum Laboratory students have appeared on the Netflix show “Atypical”

  • We created “Boys Don’t Wear Dresses”, a 2020 short film that explores the life of a transgender autistic artist, inspired by a film student at Spec Labs. In 2020, this original film has been an official selection for 17 film festivals and has won 6 awards, including Best Screenplay, 2 Audience Choice awards, Best LGBQT+ film, Best Alternate Abilities and Favorite Film!

  • Students regularly secure auditions and employment for acting and voice acting roles for networks like HBO MAX, Netflix, Amazon, NBC, Disney, Hulu, Fox, Comedy Central, Cartoon Network, etc.

  • Students have landed paid jobs scoring productions for “Sesame Street”, “Exceptional Minds”, and the “Special Olympics” 

  • Spec Labs has hired their autistic students to work on freelance jobs, including animation, visual design, graphic design, composing scores for Spec Labs in house productions as well as outside clients and jobs working on film sets in front and behind camera.

  • Spec Labs has coached and hired their autistic students to work inside the classroom on music, film and animation projects.

  • Spec Labs has hired autistic instructors to work alongside their students in the classroom, like Dani Bowman who has been teaching animation to our students since 2016.

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