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Headline - Digital Storytelling Workshop Begins Week Of 7/5/2021

We know that with plenty of families starting to think about their family summer plans we wanted to announce that our Digital Storytelling Workshop is coming back this summer 2021!

Click the image below to find out more about the Digital Storytelling Workshop:

Transform yourself into an original character through a range of different artistic mediums including film & acting, music, voice-acting, and visual art!

Click the images below to see a few examples of

what we made in the Digital Storytelling Workshop last year:

Learn how to create your own videos and more with Spec Labs this summer!

This fun, exciting creative process is one of self discovery! It begins on the week of JULY 5TH! Find out more about this exciting & imaginative opportunity by clicking the image on the right:

Tuition includes FIVE -- 60 minute sessions with Spec Labs mentors!

Plus your project edited and featured on our Spec Labs YouTube page!

We even made a group video during our 1st summer storytelling workshop called:

Imagination Vacation. Click on any of the images below to check out the video:

And you can check out even more examples of Digital Storytelling Workshop via clicking on the image below: which contains a playlist of 14 video examples!

All learning styles & abilities are welcome! So if this sounds like something that you’d like to try out then you can go ahead and click on the image below to enroll this summer:

Today’s artist spotlight: Rio Wyles aka Soulshocka!

Rio has been working with Spec Labs for over 5 years now!

Check out their 5 year retro-spec-tive by clicking the image below:

We also asked Soulshocka a few questions that they answered below:

Tell me about what makes you passionate about being a rapper and an artist in general!?

-It’s an outlet to expressing myself, to create, and to deliver a message.

What are some things about yourself that might surprise your friends?

-I'm obsessed with Geography! And accents; I've even mastered a few!

I hate mint. Including mint chip ice cream. Pass. Mint toothpaste is my limit. I love comedies!

What has Spec Lab Records done for you to help you achieve any of your creative goals?

-I can't say enough about Garth and Jason!

They whip my butt! Or, at least try to, but allow me to drive the ship creatively.

They also provide a platform to expose my music. I feel lucky to be working with them!

Check out their Spec Lab Records page & their latest Music below:

And remember to buy some of their songs on Apple Music + Amazon!

Our new online community group open space for

LGBTQ+ neurodivergent folx (and their friends) is here!!

RSVP right now by emailing the address on the FLYER and/or click on the

FLYER above and join the Facebook Group for Tied Under The Rainbow.

And click on the video below to learn more about who the

LGBTQ+ Neurodivergent Community Group is & what exactly they do!

Go through our awesome collection curated by our very own students' artwork!

Come grab a mug, a t-shirt, and much more! Spec Labs gets a donation with every purchase, which will go towards art scholarships for our wonderful and talented students!

View our full collection here or by clicking on either image of our Merch above/below:

Remember to enroll in our free Mindfulness classes (Monday @ 12:00 PM & Friday @ 5:15 PM):

And be sure to view our new Mindfulness channel-- featuring Yoga, Sound Healing, Meditation & Mindfulness created for our students at Spec Labs. Be mindful & stay balanced!

Click on the image below of the Spec Lab Community to contact us:

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Headline - Some Good News Shared Spec Labs Video

Watch the Video NOW by CLICKING ON the image on the left below:

#SomeGoodNews with John Krasinski recently shared our Spec Labs Video:

on their Facebook Page

(currently over 20,000 views)


on their Instagram Story

(currently over 10,000 views)!

Use Your Imagination: an original virtual reality music video created by

#autistic​ & #neurodivergent​ musicians, singers, filmmakers & actors at Spec Labs in 2016!

It was the FIRST EVER Virtual Reality Musical Journey Through Autism and it currently has over 500,000 views on Facebook! Check it out by clicking on image below:

See all the fun with a gallery of cast and crew Behind-The-Scenes photos from the set of:

Use Your Imagination VR Music Video!!

Photo Credit: Jeff Lorch (check out his other work via Jeff Lorch Photography)

It was also an Official Selection at #SXSW​ film festival & premiered at #Sundance​ Film Festival for the #Oculus​ #VR​ for Good! It has over 500,000 views!! Click the poster & add a view too!!

And click on the screenshot below to learn more!!

LA Parent Magazine even wrote an article about Use Your Imagination

a few years back; check it out here:

And you can buy the song & album for Use Your Imagination by clicking on the image below:

Today’s artist spotlight: Nick Brode!

The Spec Lab Family Testimonial video for this blog -- Nick Brode. Click the image below:

Check out Nick's music up on the Spec Lab Records page.

And don't forget to click the images below to WATCH -- Nick Brode's Music Video(s):

Sing Your Thoughts

Deep End

Some Other Good News;

a new online community group & wonderful open space for

LGBTQ+ neurodivergent folx (and their friends) is here!!

Tied Under The Rainbow' starts Tuesday evening @ 6 PM (PST)

and will be occurring every Tuesday at 6 PM (PST) in the near future!

RSVP right now by emailing the address on the FLYER and/or click on the

FLYER above and join the Facebook Group for Tied Under The Rainbow.

And click on the video below to learn more about who the

LGBTQ+ Neurodivergent Community Group is & what exactly they will do!

Go through our awesome collection curated by our very own students' artwork!

Come grab a mug, a t-shirt, and much more! Spec Labs gets a donation with every purchase, which will go towards art scholarships for our wonderful and talented students!

View our full collection here or by clicking on either image of our Merch above/below:

Remember to enroll in our free Mindfulness classes (Monday @ 12:00 PM & Friday @ 5:15 PM):

And be sure to view our new Mindfulness channel-- featuring Yoga, Sound Healing, Meditation & Mindfulness created for our students at Spec Labs. Be mindful & stay balanced!

Click on the image below of the Spec Lab Community to contact us:

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